You will learn about me here

Go back?

I am now going to tell you the story of how I, Toust, came to be.
jk jk.... UNLESS???????
Nah but for real. My name's Toust, im an adult and im czech so if there are any typos i apologize. Or they're intensional. Idk.
I remember the first time i turned on a computer. Turned it on, looked at it for a bit, turned it off. wow
I like art, the internet, my fandoms.... uhhhh.... grass... i like touching grass


So i am/was in a lot of fandoms and im gonna talk about that now

The first ever fandom i was in was fnaf and i was stuck in that hell hole for like five years lol. Thats actually where my name comes from. Its a very uuhh.. purple.. story, if u know what i mean.
I was there from the beggining, ive seen all..

Then i discovered anime and watched yuri on ice and that litteraly changed my life. Then i watched death note, my hero, all that classic shit

I also watched hetalia. That took over my life for likeee three years.. yea. Dont worry i didnt do any questionable hand poses or anything.

Then i watched squid game...

AND THEN i got into security breach and watched markiplier play it. Then one day i saw a little.. compilation.. on my youtube home page. So i thought eh why not. And thats how i got into unus annus. And that also completely changed my life. Coz i was going thru some shit and it got me out of that shit.
Memento mori

But from when i was watching mark play security breach, i remembered that he did some streams where he played old fnaf games again. And because i wanted some videos to watch while painting my nails, i thought eh why not. And below the video there was something called in space with markiplier??? So, because i love space, i thought oohh ill watch it first then come back to the stream, bcoz it was only like seven minutes or something. So i clicked on it, and my mind was absolutely blown. IT WAS MULTIPLE CHOICE!!! I went like one choice in and then was like ill watch it later. And boy i did. And i was sucked in. And it changed my life. And then part 2 came out. and it changed my life. And then i discovered that there are more characters in the markcu, that there were some twins?? And oh my god whos that handsome man with a blindfold??? And oh my god there are so many egos this man has????
and it took over my life. still has. now just comes in waves. in between other obsessions.

so ya. that was a brief history of my fandom life

Cat Paw