My blog

Hello! Tis a place for my blog, kinda a digital journal ig
Ill just be putting here whatever i want. I kinda wanna do this so that its like multiple pages and shit but idk how to do that so well see how that goes :p


First blog post. uuuhh i dont really know what im doing BUT WELL GET THEREmaybe.
Anyway, just finished the first week of a new semester, dont have a single afternoon free but thats fine hahah.. but i like all my classes so thats a plus. I imagine this gonna be just like my irl journal where ill write one long ass post once and then disapear for like three months or more. Well, well see how this goes.
Toust out, for now


Helloooo, managed to post within a month YIPPEEE.
Okay, so, i may or may not have fallen into the linux rabbit hole. yup. bro isnt coding for even like two months and is already like i could use arch-NO im NOT gonna use arch right now, maybeMAYBE in the future but not now. Even tho the bragging rights are funny and i like funny.
How did this happen you may ask? Well, i found a small youtuber called diinki and they made a video about different distros and then i started watching arch memes and then there was no going back lol. So i want some distro. Prob either mint or opensuse, since we had opensuse on our old laptop and i remember there being no problems with it. But i asure you, i dont want linux just because of the memes. So, a while back, apparently like a month ago, my laptop just suddenly uptaded to windows 11. AND I DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT??? I found out like a week ago tf. And so thats the main reason why i want linux.
On an unrelated note its been getting warmer now and its really nice and its like sunny all the time now so thats amazing. Anyway ill see u guys in either a week or three months.

Ebi Shrimp Sushi