Helloooo, managed to post within a month YIPPEEE.
Okay, so, i may or may not have fallen into the linux rabbit hole. yup. bro isnt coding for even like two months and is already like i could use arch-NO im NOT gonna use arch right now, maybeMAYBE in the future but not now. Even tho the bragging rights are funny and i like funny.
How did this happen you may ask? Well, i found a small youtuber called diinki and they made a video about different distros and then i started watching arch memes and then there was no going back lol. So i want some distro. Prob either mint or opensuse, since we had opensuse on our old laptop and i remember there being no problems with it. But i asure you, i dont want linux just because of the memes. So, a while back, apparently like a month ago, my laptop just suddenly uptaded to windows 11. AND I DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT??? I found out like a week ago tf. And so thats the main reason why i want linux.
On an unrelated note its been getting warmer now and its really nice and its like sunny all the time now so thats amazing. Anyway ill see u guys in either a week or three months.