We all probably know Herobrine, the myth the legend, and if youre a little familiar with the minecraft fandom, you probably know that a lot of people have their own little versions of him, of the story, of the LOOORE, and, well, this is mine.
Its kinda inspired by Splintergirls story on ao3 (which i love and you should def check out if you love minecraft or good stories or pining or anything-). Anyway this is kinda gonna be like a mix of rambling and maybe like actual writting if i feel like it, idk ive never written anything proper just school stuff so well se how that goes :D. Anyway ENJOY :3


So, first of all, a bit of info about how the world and minecraft works in my story, because otherwise it wouldnt really make sense xD

So, the story is set in the future but not too far from now, something like... 2060..? ig. There are normal people, maybe there are some robots but thats irrelevant. And basicaly, you can create entire universes through code and programming.
As for minecraft, a little guy, who you mightve heard of his name is uuhh.. Notch or something.. has created a little universe in his computer that he named minecraft. The minecraft here works basicaly like our minecraft, when you spawn you get a world, you can move through worlds by portals and the nether and end are there too. The aether also exists there. There are also villages and towns, they kinda work like multiplayer and you can get to them by portals.
People in this minecraft arent ´real´ as in players, they are litteraly in the computer. Normal baby making exists here, but instead of a biological process its code. But the first people were created by notch himself.
The people here can bleed and have essencially the same organs and everything as us. Theyre also mortal. The average person doesnt even realize that theyre in a computer and they just live their lives normaly.
Notch here has the role of king of the entire universe and he can like get into the computer and be physicaly there in minecraft. The aether is where he resides and he has like an army and guards and there are like noble people there, the majority of which were there basicaly from the start, notch created them. But of course, Brine was the first.

This is my design of herobrine.
As you can see (maybe), he has shoulder-length hair and its quite wavy. The majority of time he wears it in a half up half down ponytail but when he means business he ties it all up into a ponytail. After he got back into the overworld, he wore it just as is and it was also quite unkept and messy even more than now. Hes barefoot because i dont like drawing shoes- nah he didnt wear shoes from the get go because there was no point and why change something thats not broken.
Hes very skinny because hes not taking proper care of himself. He has a skinny face thats also kinda elongated. His eyes are narrow, most of the tie his expresion is neutral, bordering on looking a bit bored.
His main weapon of choice, when he uses a weapon, is of course a pickaxe. His whole color scheme is like diluted because of everything.

Minecraft - Diamond Sword